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King Brother Series by Clarice Jayne

Have you read the King Brother Series by Clarice Jayne yet? If not, you should definitely start the series. This band of brothers is the ultimate team of sweet, sexy, alpha males! I'm sharing my review of the most recent release, Kelsey's King, but I highly recommend reading the entire series.

Another fantastic story in the King Brothers series!!! This was a wonderful story of brother's best friend with the suspenseful and thrilling addition of some great twists! Nathan is a part of the King Brothers Investigation team but he has a secret, he has loved Kelsey since she first asked him to kiss her when she was 16. He ran from her and his feelings as long as he could but Kelsey wouldn't let him push her away any longer. Just when you think things are looking up the author throws some nail biting twists into the story. She keeps you on the edge of your seat, not only for Kelsey but for Nathan's relationship with Kelsey's brother as well. This was such a wonderful read and the author does a fantastic job of pulling you into each of the characters lives and she really has you feeling for them. Not to mention the little hints into Kye's life, whom I am desperately waiting to read about.

Make sure to follow Clarice Jayne to be updated on all her book news and new releases! I happen to know that she has another book getting ready to release soon and it is going to be amazing!

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