My Books

Beauty is a Blade (A Thousand Scars For You Book 1)
There is no force more compelling on Earth or in the parallel realms than forbidden love. It beguiles and inevitably self fulfills. It finds a way. Right or wrong, forbidden love can be a very beautiful thing, but that beauty is a blade, and it has a razor's edge. Impossibly, love blooms amidst a savage gender war that has raged for millions of years within a parallel realm. The Pentavi shapeshifters - an all female clan, and the Sinteverete sorcerers - an all male clan, were sworn enemies; divided and forced to fight by their insatiable and conspiratory Elders; they were forbidden to procreate, but made ageless by magic. The two genders were only vulnerable to death during battle, and battle was all they knew. Layluna, a hardened Pentavi warrior, starts to suspect her Elders voracious appetite for war is a ruse. She and her mate, Maysiff are determined to uncover The Elders true designs, and end the never ending war that has plagued the clans since the dawn of time. Unbelievably, they are joined by Vasser, a true immortal Sinteverete sorcerer, and head of the undying Nevuscar. He too shares their suspicions surrounding The Elders, and the three of them embark on an epic mission of bloody satisfaction. Forbidden love writes itself into the story, and proffers a child of incredible power. She may be the only way to end the war, unite the clans, and eliminate The Elders, but she would have to survive first.

Violence & Roses (A Thousand Scars For You Book 2)
Bizarre worlds full of savage fighters collide explosively with fraught, forbidden love in book two of the "Thousand Scars for You" series!More than two hundred years after a barbaric, bloody gender war between the Sinteverete sorcerers and the Pentavi shapeshifters ended in subjugation of the Pentavi women; an even bigger, more incendiary fight is brewing within the Earth realm. This burgeoning conflict threatens to ignite an apocalyptic war throughout all the realms, where no man, woman, demon or beast is safe.Mina, the hated Yasmani Ro renegade daughter of outlaw lovers from the two warring clans, is finally ready to come out of hiding and throw down with the myriad of murderous hunters that seek her head. Born of fire and ice, she represents the only power in the realms strong enough to crush the Sinteverete clan's Master Elder and take on his immortal and unstoppable army of mindless Steplescar soldiers.However, as fierce as Mina may be, she requires help with her impossible mission of revenge and retribution. Unexpectedly, she finds assistance - and allure - with her most reviled and fearsome adversary, an otherworldly barbarian known as Mayax the Malevolent. Together they unite a motley crew of unlikely combatants who help her liberate the Pentavi, unite the clans, and carve a path through the monstrous Steplescar army to salvation.
A Hell of No Hearts (A Thousand Scars For You Book 3)
Hard fought battles of bloody savagery have finally led to all-out war in book three of the “Thousand Scars for You” series. Mina, the legendary Yasmani Ro born of fire and ice, is no longer a fugitive from her warring clans, having unified them through blood and violence. Unfortunately, her reputation for possessing a soul smoke of unimaginable power has put a bounty on her head. Now, she is being hunted by every mercenary, devil, and conjurer looking to extract that power and add it to their own. In an attempt to quash all adversaries, and bring balance to the realms, Mina and her diverse circle of embattled comrades are forced to place their trust in a mysterious and dubious ally, Athan Asios - Lord of the Dark Realm - but can he be trusted? With no options, Mina, her barbarian lover, and their motley crew of family and fighters forge a pact with the Dark Lord to ensure the realms safety against all threats. However, in doing so, they unwittingly unleash a terrifying and unexpected evil that seeks to exact the very same fate they were all fighting so hard to avoid. This war threatens to take everything from them; with casualties mounting and hope diminishing, all looks lost. Evil of immeasurable power begins to consume everything in its path and threatens to engulf all the realms before enslaving every living soul.

Logan Lepozod was born into a cruel and cold existence, void of love and human connection, but his brilliant talent as a painter, and a tragically ironic life event would lead him to an epiphany of self-realization, transcendence, and true love.Tess is a beautiful, quick-witted, calamity magnet, on the run from an abusive and sinister ex-boyfriend. Tess crash-lands into Logan’s life, forever changing it - and him. An unlikely love blooms between the two wayward souls amidst the milieu of a candid and unflinching journey that changes them both profoundly. Logan and Tess have complicated and thorny pasts that demand reconciliation before they can move on, and into each other’s hearts. However, with the grand thrill of burgeoning love, comes the painful stab of growth and risk, as the two are plunged into a life adventure filled with laughter, love, friendship, passion, and danger. Balance is the ultimate power in the universe, and unless Logan and Tess can find theirs, the flowering love between them may only be the first of many casualties. There is no light without shadow, no reward without risk, and no beauty without ugliness.Beau-Laid: French term, a person who is beautiful because of their flaws.